Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Galandar Fort

                          The Heroes Make a Daring Attack

Arriving at the end of the interminable tunnels in the dead of night our heroes formulated a hasty plan to overcome the forces gathered at the ruined fortress in one fell swoop! Only one Half Ogre and a few bandits were on guard and they thought if they could get the drop on him they would prevail over the rest!

Only One Half-ogre was on guard!

Thraug and Rapten slid through the gloom while the others prepared spells and missiles in support. The attack worked flawlessly the half ogre was paralysed almost at once by magic from Valmantar and the fight erupted!

 Before long however the sleeping bandits awoke, including their leader and another cleric of the abominable Bapmet. The fight hung in the balance, Thraug was in his turn immobilised by the cleric and then the bandit captain burst out of his hut scimitar flashing, the battle was short and bloody and the spellcasters served to good effect as did the newly recruited bandits. Before long all that was left were a few sleeping survivors and they were given the chance to join the party. 
 They all agreed and so the decision was made to leave the recruits and one or two party members in the fortress to keep it as a base!

 The following day the group went out of the gate and what they saw amazed them! Galandar fortress is high high in the mountains and from the path from the gate almost all of the valley, the lost valley of Galandar is visible!

                                 The Lost Valley of Galandar

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